Wednesday, February 28, 2018

Feb 28 - 8th grade

Here is the link to the activity for today: Mapping greenhouse gases

All of the links have been updated, but some of them still have the old words on the paper. Hopefully, you will end up in the correct place.

Tuesday, February 27, 2018

Feb 27 - 7th grade

Students took their quiz on genetics. We then put the notebook page 74 into the notebook.

Feb 27 - 8th grade

We discussed information that they could see from their graph. We also worked together to answer the questions sheet from the graph. We put the graph in the notebook as well as adding in the vocab from the previous page.

Monday, February 26, 2018

Feb 26th both

Mr. Thomas was here for our Too Good For Drugs program. 8th grade discussed handling emotions and 7th discussed handling stress.

8th graders have a graph and reading questions due tomorrow.

7th graders have their make up quiz on genetics.

Friday, February 23, 2018

Feb 23 - 7th grade

Take out your quiz from last week, a colored pen, and use this link to make corrections. You should write as much on here as you possibly can, so that you can study for the re-quiz.

When you are done with that, use the following video to complete the notebook page demonstrating how chromosomes, DNA, and genes are related.

Here are some practice problems if you finish everything else:
Some of these are above and beyond what we did in class, but could be a fun challenge.

And a blood typing game if you finish all else.

Wednesday, February 21, 2018

Feb 21 - 7th grade

Students made sure pages 71-73 in their notebooks were up to date.

We then discussed the answers to the questions from the polygenic inheritance activity.

Tomorrow we will go over issues on the last quiz in the hopes that students can do better on the re-take.

Feb 21 - 8th grade

Students worked on their Earthquake essay. Final drafts are due friday at the end of class.

Feb 20th - 7th grade

Students checked grades and wrote them down for all classes.

Students then had time to work on their bar graphs. When they were ready, I graded the graphs using the orange rubric provided.

Additional time was given to students to answer the questions on the back of the orange rubric.

Any graphing or questions that were not finished were assigned as homework due when students walk in on Wednesdasy.

Tuesday, February 20, 2018

Feb 20 - 8th

Students continued working on their graphic organizer for their essay or on the climate vs weather graph. Tomorrow will be time to type the essay. Students will have 3 days in the computer lab to complete their typing.

Friday, February 16, 2018

Feb 15tg-7th grade

We had a discussion about the correct answers to student work on their notebook page.

Students were then placed in new seats.

Students were put into groups and worked on the polygenic inheritance activity. Get class results by clicking here. There is a tab on the bottom of the page for each class.

Quiz tomorrow on pages 66-71.

Feb 15 - 8th grade

Students continued working on their essays.

Wednesday, February 14, 2018

Feb 14 - 7th grade

Students put 2 pages in their notebook (spongebob genetics and multiple alleles).

Students then worked on their Blood typing problems some more.

Homework for tomorrow is to read and fill in the notebook page on polygenic inheritance.

Feb 14 - 8th grade

Students continued working on their reading and highlighting.

Feb 13 - 7th grade

Students did some peer evaluation the Superhero Genetics posters.

We then came back to the room and went over the Incomplete dominance questions from friday and the codominance WS related to blood type. Students seemed to be doing well with the idea of incomplete dominance, but needed more work on the blood types. We will continue working on this tomorrow.

No homework tonight.

Tuesday, February 13, 2018

Feb 13th - 8th grade

Students shared their thoughts with me on different types of technology that could be useful to them.

We then began the California Earthquake writing project.

Students will be typing their papers next Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday.

Feb 12th - both

Students continued the Too Good For Drugs program. Today re-visited the ideas about goal setting and began talking about obstacles that could get in the way of someone achieving their goals.

Thursday, February 8, 2018

Feb 8 - 7th grade

Students and I went over answers to last nights homework assignment. Almost all students had their homework completed!

We then completed the following notebook page and discussed how blood type is passed down.

We finished by trying to figure out whether my A blood type was heterozygous or homozygous. This included calling my mom to find out what my parents blood types were. Students were told to spend no more than 10 minutes analyzing the information that they had to try and figure out my blood type.

Feb 8th - 8th

Students worked on answering RACE questions

We then reviewed for tomorrow's test.

Wednesday, February 7, 2018

Feb 7 - 7th grade

Students and I discussed Incomplete Dominance and Codominance via nearpod. Both of these terms can be googled for more clarification.

Students then worked on a worksheet for homework.

Feb 7 - 8th grade

Students and I discussed correct answers to their work from yesterday.

Students will complete the following activity on page 74-75 of their notebook: Plate movements activity.

The following links will be helpful for adding in the characteristics of the Earth at the different times:

Link 1

Link 2

Tuesday, February 6, 2018

Feb 6 - 7th grade

Reading section for today

Feb 6 - 8th grade

Students worked on reading about plate tectonics and filling in the chart. Students also completed the plate tectonics worksheet. Students will have a test on pages 60-75 this friday.

This student is demonstrating how notebook pages can be used to complete questions on a homework assignment! Way to go!

Monday, February 5, 2018

Feb 5 - 7th and 8th

Students began this year's Too Good For Drugs program. Both groups looked at goal setting.

8th grade will have a test this friday.

7th grade also turned in their posters.

Friday, February 2, 2018

Feb 2 - 7th grade

Students finished working on their Superhero Genetics posters. Posters are due on Monday for anyone who did not finish during class.

Even the clothing choices are getting involved!

Feb 2 - 8th

We discussed the answers to the plate mapping questions (as well as a variety of random questions).

Test over this material will be next friday.

Thursday, February 1, 2018

Feb 1 - 7th grade

Students worked on typing up their information for their Superhero Genetics poster.

The poster is due on Monday. Here is a rough outline of what the poster should look like.

Feb 1 - 8th grade

Students finished working on the questions for the mapping activity (20 minutes).

I handed back their layers of the Earth foldable questions. We went over correct answers.

We began discussing the answers from the front of the Mapping Activity questions.